Lubin international field study to Denmark and Sweden

Travel Course: Denmark and Sweden

Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden

MAR 356 and MAR 680H - Undergraduate and Graduate Lubin Travel Course in International Marketing
Spring 2023

group of ̨ÍåSWAGUniversity Lubin students with Professors Sandler and Long and Swedish corporate representatives during an office visit in the 2023 field study to Denmark and Sweden

About the Lubin Travel Course

The International Marketing Lubin Travel Course traveled to Copenhagen and Stockholm in Spring 2017. Led by Professors Dennis Sandler and Mary Long, this course introduced students to a wide range of marketing companies and best business practices in Scandinavia. Students learned about sustainability initiatives as well as cultural values and norms in Denmark and Sweden. The group gained valuable insights from business site visits that included Copenhagen Business School, Bates VMLY&R, Maersk, Copenhagen Capacity, Electrolux, Sandvik, SEBank, Vattenfall, Swedish Curling Team, Lynxeye Agency, and Tango Sponsorship.


Six Lubin students were each awarded scholarships in the amount of $2,000-$2,500, made possible by a generous donation from the Figueroa Family Fund and the Gene and Nancy Celentano Fund. Read several of their stories below:

Students Speak

As I learned more about Scandinavia, I began to admire the way values like trust, equality, and sustainability are implemented into Nordic business culture. This International Marketing Field Study has not only enhanced my business school education, but it has provided me with memories that I will never forget.

Jace Taylor '24

̨ÍåSWAGUniversity Lubin student standing in front of an ivy-covered building and bicycle rack during a 2023 field study to Denmark and Sweden

I am deeply appreciative of my recent experience in Copenhagen, Denmark and Stockholm, Sweden. As I learned more about Scandinavia, I began to admire the way values like trust, equality, and sustainability are implemented into Nordic business culture. The Danish and Swedish company visits were crucial to understanding the themes discussed throughout this course, and I was genuinely intrigued by cultural phenomena like "Hygge" and "Fika." I feel like the ideas discussed during this trip combined with our exposure to local communities will certainly impact the way I approach my life now.

One of the highlights of my experiences was learning about biking as a form of transportation in Copenhagen, Denmark. Biking is an integral part of Denmark's identity, and I could not believe the impact it has on the country's infrastructure. In the few days I spent in Copenhagen, I also felt healthier and more inclined to participate in sustainable living. If it weren't for the support of this scholarship, I would have missed out on an incredible opportunity that has truly shaped my academic journey. This International Marketing Field Study has not only enhanced my business school education, but it has provided me with memories that I will never forget.

Lavpreet Singh '24

The opportunity to experience multiple cultures in a single trip helped us students realize how many unique and wonderful parts of the world exist. From the perspective of an employer, hiring managers seek professionals who have worked in more advanced structures in international jobs. Deciding to work abroad forces you to step outside of your comfort zone, which opens opportunities to learn new skills and share new experiences. Working with people from different backgrounds exposes you to a variety of working styles, requiring you to develop stronger communication skills and confidence as your career progresses. Countries like Denmark and Sweden are now adapting a diversifying population and have prioritized attracting different cultures and backgrounds more than ever before. The countries have succeeded in balancing their economic objectives, a high standard of living, and social well-being. Their social models are quite universal, with the goal of providing equal opportunities, care, and protection for their citizens.

The scholarship I was awarded was truly a blessing. Being selected for the award made studying abroad a feasible goal and took a burden off my shoulders so I could concentrate on getting ready for the program rather than worrying about how I would pay for it. I am truly grateful and forever indebted to the scholarship for having a positive impact on my ability to travel abroad by enabling me to live comfortably in Copenhagen and Stockholm while I participated in the program.

Alyssa Nadeau '23

̨ÍåSWAGUniversity Lubin student in front of a street sign in a leafy neighborhood of Copenhagen during a 2023 field study to Denmark and Sweden

When I entered ̨ÍåSWAGUniversity with a major in International Management, my goal was to get a high-quality business degree and to grow through understanding of many cultures, languages, and the diversity of my home university. One thing that I didn't expect coming into ̨ÍåSWAGwas exploring my passion for the environment and encouraging sustainability in business. This course offered exactly what I was seeking for my studies, combined with international experience in a region I had never been to: Europe. The Faculty-Led Field Study travelled to Scandinavia, a region notorious for environmental responsibility across all disciplines. On company visits, we participated in interactive sessions where questions were welcomed and encouraged. This allowed us to have freedom in crafting our learning from these companies to our own educational experiences and future career expectations. Particularly for my experience, I found Copenhagen, Denmark to be an incredible place for study abroad. It was very valuable to then visit a second country, Sweden, to compare not only the cultures, but also to see how different yet geographically close nations handle environmental sustainability and the EU regulations.

̨ÍåSWAGUniversity Lubin student with Swedish corporate representative at an office visit during a 2023 field study to Denmark and Sweden

While it is easy to see where the United States is lacking in environmental understanding and innovation, I am extremely grateful to ̨ÍåSWAGUniversity for crafting an in-depth educational experience where motivated students can use their backgrounds of study to be the changemakers in this space that America so desperately needs, and the nation deserves. ̨ÍåSWAGhas not only crafted this experience but made it accessible to students through the Lubin Center for Global Business' study abroad scholarships.

Sherry Elsheikh '23

Employers often value the skills and experiences gained through international study, recognizing the unique perspectives and abilities that come from navigating different cultures and business environments. We went to a number of companies and organizations for an insightful and eye-opening experience.

On our first day in Denmark, our study abroad group visited Copenhagen School of Business. We attended a presentation given by Mr. Michael Raffnsoe, former head of Danish Marketing Association. He shared with us the principles behind a B-Corp certification and the many lengths businesses endure to get certified. B-Corp's mission emphasizes compliance, philanthropy, and doing less bad while doing more good. This is in correlation with the values for growing a sustainable business: you do not compete to be the best in the world, you compete to do the best for the world.

The next day, we commuted to Bates Y+R advertising agency meeting with Strategic Director "Knuth" and Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Thomas Bates. Knuth shared with us in his seminar that motoneurons evoke emotional empathy. Importantly, he mentioned the IKEA effect: people build a bond more when they build something themselves. He expressed that he uses this idea as leverage when working with specific clients on a project, making the experience human-centric (bonding), customer-centric (experience), and solution-centric (results).