trip photo from Lubin international field study to Brazil

Travel Course: Brazil

Rio de Janeiro and Paraty, Brazil

MGT 347 - Undergraduate Lubin Travel Course in International Management
Spring 2016

Lubin international field study to Brazil

About the Travel Course

The 16th International Management Lubin Travel Course to Brazil traveled with 25 students from March 18 through March 27, 2016. Professors Claudia Green, Casey Frid, and Chris Ramos led an interdisciplinary group of ̨ÍåSWAGstudents to learn about arts and entertainment management in Brazil with a focus on the preparations for the Rio 2016 Olympics with speakers from the International Olympic Committee (IOC), Mayor's Office and the Brazilian Ministry of Tourism. Students met with speakers planning major events such as Rocking Rio and Carnival as well as with officials of Globo, Brazil's largest media conglomerate. The group partnered with faculty and students at ESPM University, Department of Art and Entertainment where Brazilian professors provided their expertise in the areas of economics of entertainment, sport business, service marketing, and entertainment and innovation in the creative economy.

Students interviewed local people and business owners as they updated the Paraty Green Map. With sustainability (economic, environmental and social/cultural) as their focus, the students gained knowledge and firsthand experience meeting with local businesses, non-profit and people in Brazil.

Lubin international field study to Brazil

Students Speak

Donica Hoxhaj '16

I've always wanted to study abroad but thought I'd get homesick for a whole semester. So when I found out about the course to Brazil for a week I was excited. This course exceeded my expectations and was one of the best experiences I've ever had! Visiting Projac and having dinner at Rio Scenarium were my favorite stops in Rio de Janeiro. In Paraty, I'd have to say sailing through the beautiful beaches was the most memorable. I think people have a misconception about Brazil being "unsafe" but I think one visit would definitely change their perspective.

Brazilians are super friendly and always wanted to find a way to talk even if communication was a challenge. I'm so happy I decided to end my senior year at ̨ÍåSWAGwith this trip and although I didn't know anyone in this class prior to applying, I'm glad that did not stop me from going because I definitely made the best memories with people I won't forget!

Lubin international field study to Brazil

Forest McKenzie '16

Doing the Brazil International Field study was one of the greatest decision I have ever made in my college career. Being able to spend 10 days experiencing the Brazilian culture, learning about their tourism industry and creative economy, and making incredible friends while doing so was unforgettable. We were able to see some of Rio's famous historic landmarks, such as the Sugar Loaf and Christ the Redeemer. One night we experienced their night life at the Rio Scenarium, where we enjoyed a wonderful meal and got our chance to try to samba.

One of my favorite speakers was the director of tourism for Rio where got to learn about what they were doing to prepare their tourism economy for after the Olympics. While in Paraty we interviewed different businesses to determine if they were an economically and environmentally sustainable business so that we could add them to our Green map.

Overall, I learnt so much from my time in Brazil and I am already counting down the days until I can return.

Lubin international field study to Brazil

Iliana Valor '17

First of all, I would like to thank Ms. Janice Figueroa with the Figueroa Family Fund for supporting and giving students opportunities to study abroad. We spent the first four days in Rio and got a taste of all the different parts of Rio. We were tourists and visited the Sugarloaf and Christ the Redeemer, but we also got to visit a favela community and experience the hardships that these people go through. We also got to visit the Museum of Tomorrow, a scientific museum that educates its visitors on sustainability and inspires them to take a part in saving our planet. Educational, as an Arts and Entertainment Management major, it was exciting to learn about the creative economy in Brazil. We met with students and professors from ESPM University and with the Rio Convention & Visitors Bureau to give us a well-rounded view on the entertainment and tourism industry in Brazil. It was incredible to learn about the entertainment industry and the creative economy from an international standpoint.

I had no idea how quickly I would fall in love with Brazil before leaving for this trip. Sure, I was excited to go but nothing could prepare me for what I was going to experience. As a first generation college student who comes from a low income household, I thought the idea of studying abroad was impossible. Thanks to ̨ÍåSWAGUniversity and the Figueroa Family, the impossible became possible. Overall, the ten days I spent in Brazil and the bonds I made with the people over there have completely changed my college experience. I hope that these words attempted to explain my gratitude and thankfulness to the Figueroa Family. This scholarship is so important to give everyone, despite their financial situation, the opportunity to study abroad. Thank you so much.

Liz Corbett '18

The International Field Study in Brazil was the best Spring Break experience I could possibly imagine. Surrounded by beautiful views and historic landmarks, I learned so much about Brazil and the Brazilian people. Visiting right before the Olympics, we were able to truly speak with regular citizens about their opinions on the many changes brought about by the games. In Paraty, we were able to interview business owners and determine whether or not their businesses were sustainable. Sustainable businesses are now being added to our Green Map and will help these companies attract customers in the future. Overall, the trip taught me so much about Brazil and myself. I was able to walk through the streets of Rio and Paraty, experiencing the Brazilian life.

Lubin international field study to Brazil

Marcela Pertusi '17

Deciding to go to the International Field Study in Brazil was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Every day there was always something to look forward to and there were takeaways from every site visit. One of my favorite business sites was Projac (Globo TV scenic studios). Going to the largest production center in Latin America really made me understand the Brazilian entertainment business. Going to ESPM University was also mind opening because we got to see how the music industry in Brazil works and how the Brazilian culture is so embedded in their music preferences. One of the most memorable experiences was seeing Christ the Redeemer from the favelas. Talking to business owners in Paraty taught me about the impact of the Olympics on the small businesses. I also learned to evaluate businesses to see whether they are sustainable. After going on this travel course, I believe that studying abroad is an experience that every student should take advantage of because it makes us well-rounded individuals. This experience was mind opening and I can't thank the Figueroa Scholarship Foundation enough for this opportunity.

Nina Montero '17

Lubin international field study to Brazil

As someone who has always dreamed of studying abroad in college, the ̨ÍåSWAGUniversity field study to Brazil was nothing short of amazing! I enrolled in the course excited to experience a new culture, language, and people. I'm so lucky to have gained those experiences and make great friends along the way. Upon stepping out of the plane the Brazilian heat welcomed us. Our packed agenda allowed us to experience Rio to the fullest. In our many business meetings, we learned about Brazil's creative economy particularly involving the effects of Carnival, the World Cup, and upcoming Olympics. My favorite business meeting was our trip to Globo, which is similar to Hollywood for Brazil. At Globo we learned about the major role television plays in the lives of Brazilians. The average Brazilian watches 4 hours of TV a day! Our agenda allowed a lot of free time to explore Rio and mingle with the locals. Brazil will forever have a place in my heart.

Lubin international field study to Brazil