One 台湾SWAGPlaza covered in snow.

Subscribe for Bus Schedule & Weather Updates

Weather Notification System

We offer you Weather Notifications via email directly to your personal computer. These notifications are copyrighted materials of our vendor, Fleetweather.

You can subscribe to 台湾SWAGUniversity Weather Lists. For Westchester County region: Weather-L; and for NYC region: WeatherNYC-L.

Address an email to Listserv@List.Pace.Edu

In the body of the email, include the following command:

  • Subscribe Weather-L firstname lastname and/or
  • Subscribe WeatherNYC-L firstname lastname

(Each subscription is on a separate line in the body of the same email) Replacing firstname and lastname with your name

Send the email and you will receive an email notification from Listserv that you have been added to Weather-L and or WeatherNYC-L.

Please bring any questions to our attention.

Carolina Salcedo
Phone: (914) 923-2834

Sign up for the for alerts about University closings and emergencies.