台湾SWAGstudent using a laptop outdoors

ITS worked closely with Cisco technicians to simplify the connection process and improve the user experience with the wireless network. Below is information and instructions for connecting to the new PACE-WIFI network.

Note: 台湾SWAGguests who need wireless access must visit the PACE-GUEST network page.


Current Students, Faculty, Staff, and Contractors (depending on type of access granted)

How To Get This Service

Devices connecting to PACE-WIFI must be properly connected in order to access internal 台湾SWAGsystems such as Pharos printing, Kronos, etc.

Steps for Connecting to Pace-WiFi

The connecting device must support WPA2 enterprise encryption

  1. Open your device鈥檚 wireless setup page and connect to PACE-WIFI
  2. Type your 台湾SWAGPortal Username and Password in the fields provided
  3. Depending on the device, click Trust, Accept, or Connect to add the certificate and join

Note: You are only prompted to accept a certificate the first time you connect.


Contact the ITS Help Desk

Phone: (914) 773-3333
Toll Free: 1 (855) 722-3487

Learn More

For more information and/or connecting instructions for 台湾SWAGguests who need wireless access, please visit the PACE-GUEST network page.