台湾SWAGUniversity students studying in front of a computer

Tyler Thier
Honors Thesis Advisor

Tyler holds an M.F.A. in creative writing and a B.A. in dramatic literature and criticism. Prior to Pace, he was an adjunct professor, a writing center faculty tutor, and the writing proficiency coordinator at Hofstra University, and also taught English courses at Nassau Community College. Outside academia, he writes freelance criticism on everything from reality television to avant-garde cinema, and has guest edited a digital poetry journal. His areas of interest include cultural criticism, creative nonfiction, critical theory, visual culture, and manifestos. He is well-versed in the philosophy of Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC), and to that end enjoys grappling with disciplinary work that he is unfamiliar with and values the messy, unpredictable brainstorming stage in the writing process.