Robert Mundy

Robert Mundy

Associate Professor
Department Chairperson
Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English, Writing & Cultural Studies

Robert Mundy

Choate House


Faculty Bio

Dr. Robert Mundy is an Associate Professor of English, Writing Program Director, and Chair of the Department of Writing and Cultural Studies. His teaching and research focuses on composition and rhetoric theory and practice, writing program assessment, masculinity studies, cultural studies, and literacy studies. His most recent project, Gender, Sexuality and the Cultural Politics of Men’s Identity in the New Millennium: Literacies of Masculinity (Routledge), maps the connections between media, popular culture, and the pedagogy of reading and writing the performances of masculinity. This book follows Out in the Center: Public Controversies, Private Struggles (Utah State University Press) (co-edited with Harry Denny, Anna Sicari, Lila Naydan, and Richard Severe), winner of the 2019 International Writing Center Association Book Award, which deepens conversations in writing centers about identity politics by foregrounding authentic voices and experiences of tutors and administrators navigating everyday sessions and the disclosure and embodiment of difference. With Harry Denny, Professor Mundy is writing a second manuscript (Routledge) that explores the intersection of popular culture, male identity creation and performativity, and literacy. He is also conducting research that considers the intersection of masculinity, body modification, and literacy.


BA, Stony Brook University

D.A. (Doctor of Arts), St. John's University

MA, CUNY Graduate Center
Women's, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

Courses Taught

Past Courses

ENG 110: Composition
ENG 120: Critical Writing
ENG 201: Writing in the Disciplines
ENG 212: Introduction to Genre Studies
ENG 215: Rhetorics of the Body
ENG 300: Language and Gender
ENG 304: Growth of the English Language
ENG 343: Language and Identity
ENG 393: Internship
ENG 499: Senior Year Experience/English
WS 115: Intro to Women's & Gender St
WS 115: Intro to Women's, Gender, Sex
WS 268: Men and Masculinities