Eugene Richie

Eugene Richie

Dyson College of Arts and Sciences
English NY

Eugene Richie

41 Park Row


Faculty Bio

Eugene Richie is the author of the poetry collections Moiré (Groundwater, 1989), Island Light (Painted Leaf, 1998), Only Here, Between (Gnosis Press, 2023), and two collections of poems with Rosanne Wasserman: Place du Carousel (Zilvinas and Daiva Publications, 2001) and Psyche and Amor (Factory Hollow, 2009). With Alex Muino, he translated and published Amma’s Hug, a play by Madrid playwright Yolanda Dorado, in Women Staging Women: Two Spanish Plays, vol. 41. New York: Estreno [Premier] Contemporary Spanish Plays Series, 2018. His other translations include poems by Peruvian novelist and poet Isaac Goldemberg. stories by Venezuelan author Matilde Daviu and Colombian author Jaime Manrique’s My Night with Federico García Lorca (University of Wisconsin Press, 2003), a Lambda Literary Award finalist. He has edited John Ashbery’s Selected Prose (University of Michigan Press; Carcanet, 2004) and, with Wasserman and Olivier Brossard, five volumes of John Ashbery’s translations from the French—most recently, Pierre Martory’s The Landscapist (2008), a London Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation and a National Book Critics Circle Award poetry finalist, and Ashbery’s Collected French Translations (Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2014), a London Poetry Book Society Recommended Translation and a finalist for the Poetry Foundation Pegasus Award for Poetry Criticism. [https://www.pw.org/directory/writers/eugene_richie]

Awards and Honors

  • 2014, Poetry Foundation Pegasus Award for Poetry Criticism Finalists Eugene Richie and Rosanne Wasserman for Collected French Translations: Poetry and Collected French Translations: Prose. Translated by John Ashbery. Edited and with Introductions by Eugene Richie and Rosanne Wasserman. First American edition. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  • 2014, Recommended Poetry Book in Translation from the London Poetry Book Society for Collected French Translations: Poetry. Translated by John Ashbery. Edited by Eugene Richie and Rosanne Wasserman. First British edition. Manchester, England: Carcanet Press


BA, Stanford University
English and Creative Writing

MA, Columbia University
Creative Writing and Translation

MA, New York University
Comparative Literature

PhD, New York University
Comparative Literature

Research and Creative Works

Research Interest

Translation theory and practice and European, Latin American, and American Avant-Garde Literature and Art, especially New York School art and literature and the work of John Ashbery.

Courses Taught

Past Courses

CISC 101: Introduction to Computing
ENG 120: Critical Writing - LC
ENG 201: Writing in the Disciplines
ENG 223: Creative Writing
ENG 306: Wrtng for the Prfssns: Pblshng
ENG 308: Creative Writing: Poetry
ENG 312: Workshop in Poetry Writing
ENG 313: Workshop Literary Translation
ENG 391: Adv Writing Wrkshp: Poetry
ENG 392: Seminar in Poetry Writing
ENG 395: Independent Study in English
ENGF 120: Critical Writing
LIT 211: American Voices
LIT 211: Dante: Lessons of the Past
LIT 211: The Individual and Society
LIT 301: Young Adult Literature
LIT 307: Contemporary American Poetry
LIT 374: Studies in Poetry - B
LIT 395: Independent Study-Literature

Professional Contributions and Service

Department Service

  • [Director of Creative and Professional Writing]